Sunday, 17 October 2010

Week 1 - Initial Site Visit

Initial thoughts...

Please find 10 images of previous work. Most the images I have picked are my photography as I wanted to show the shots which represent my style and choice of setting. I feel these images are a good starting point to help me start my final year, as they already have an essence of what I want to look at. I have always been drawn to 'empty' images, urban isolation and negative space; a horror-film setting. I like when atmospheric space can portray a filmic set.

After visiting the site I started to think about what its main purpose is, and tourism seems to play a heavy role in keeping the site busy.

I would like to look at the use of surveillance with the area being so heavy filmed by CCTV, and the idea to become the voyeur, or the stalker to watch peoples behaviour. I like that

photography and film can work faster than the eye to capture a split-second slice of real life.

"Cameras on street corners, in shops and public buildings silently record our every move, while web-based tools such as Google Earth adapt satellite technology ensure that there is no escape from the camera's all-seeing eye."

After spending the day at the site, I started to pick areas that follow a theme of isolation, a complete contrast to the busy tourist areas just meters away. One area I focused my attention on was an underground car park.

Motion sesored lights followed my movement underground like a tracking device, so even though I was alone, it felt like I was being watched.

Does photography allow us to bear witness to a victim's suffering, or does it anaesthetize us to the horror?

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